Because Googling isn't the answer to everything.
Free Classes
I know. It's expensive to pick up a Pilates habit. Andrea Maida teaches the best free classes YouTube has to offer. Her library of classes is extensive, there are PLENTY of videos to explore. I have been working with Andrea for years, and - in addition to being great workouts - her classes are really thoughtful. 10 of 10, highly recommend.
(No, you don't need a Reformer. All the links below are for the Pilates mat work.)
If you are just beginning your practice, START HERE.
I have a few classes under my belt, but I'm
I have a fair bit of experience, but I'd like a CHALLENGE, please!

Subscription Websites
While you're not going to get personalized attention on a subscription site, the value is excellent, especially if you use it frequently. These are both highly regarded websites that have a lot of class options for $20 - $22/mo. Pilates Anytime is centered around Contemporary Pilates, and Pilatesology is focused on Classical Pilates. You'll get a good workout either way.
I recommend starting with one of these teachers...
Andrea Maida
Blossom Leilani Crawford
Karen Frischmann
Victoria Torrie-Capan
I loved what these teachers brought to my practice....
Brent Anderson
Kristi Cooper
Meredith Rogers
(Disclaimer: I don't practice this style of Pilates anymore as I'm more well suited to Classical. BUT, your journey might be different.)
I love some nerdy books. I have read and adored all of these. I hope you love them too.
The Pilates Body, Brooke Siler
Let's be clear. A "Pilates body" is NOT a skinny body, or a body with a great ass and a skinny waist. Pilates is for EVERY body, regardless of shape, size, skin color, or gender identity. Now that that's out of the way... this was the first book I bought when I started practicing Pilates. I couldn't afford to take a $10 class, but I bought a used copy of this and practiced every night on the floor. It gave me a great start and I'm really grateful for it.